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Sebastian Zuber (CH)

sebastian zuber wurde 1986 geboren und wuchs in basel auf. nach einem abgeschlossenen bachelorstudium in jura studierte er zeitgenössischen tanz an der salzburg experimental academy of dance und machte dort 2015 seinen abschluss. er war mitglied im ensemble der international erfolgreichen tanzproduktion more than naked der choreografin doris uhlich und erhielt engagements am opernhaus zürich unter anderem bei christoph marthaler in il viaggio a reims, sebastian baumgarten in hamletmaschine und bei herbert fritsch in der freischütz. er ist gründungsmitglied des yugsamas movement kollektives, mit welchem er let the body speak und collage me herausbrachte. seit 2016 ist er tänzer der johannes wieland company und performte in mariannengraben, rite of spring, you will never be my number onean, stück ohne titel, ares und in der wiederaufnahme you will be removed. als ensemblemitglied entstanden zusammenarbeiten mit den gastchoreografen tom weinberger in segments on notes und helder seabra in röntgen. als choreograf und produzent brachte er die uraufführungen professional failure, lowball, accalia und industrial seagrass auf die bühne. im dezember 2019 choreografierte er am staatstheater mainz für das theaterstück aggro alan von alexander nerlich. unter der serie quercimovers lancierte er eine exklusive workshopreihe auf korsika.

sebastian zuber was born in basel and graduated from the salzburg experimental academy of dance in 2015. he later collaborated with eyal bromberg and performed as a dancer in the co-created works, waving to virginia, blood for honey and no more bambies. he became a member of the more than naked ensemble under doris uhlich’s directorship and had the opportunity to perform at the grand opening of impulstanz in 2015. together with edivaldo ernesto (a strong influence on sebastian’s approach to movement) sebastian performed in the site-specific performance, micro revolution created by judith sanchez ruiz at acud in berlin. after having co-founded the yugsamas movement collective in 2015, he co-created let the bodies speak alongside choreographer, julia schwartzbach. the collective went on to premiere their first independent production entitled, collage me in 2015. after much exposure, sebastian was contracted as a performer at the opera of zurich, where he performed in several works such as, il viaggio a reims by christoph marthaler, hamletmaschine by sebastian baumgarten and der freischütz by herbert fritsch. since 2016 he is part of the johannes wieland company, with which he performed in marianengraben, rite of spring, you will never be my number one fan, stück ohne titel and in the revival you will be removed. being part of the ensemble gave him the chance to work with the guest choreographers tom weinberger in segments on notes and helder seabra in röntgen. as a choreographer and producer he yielded pieces such as professional failure, lowball, accalia and most recently industrial seagrass. furthermore, he launched an ongoing workshop series called quercimovers on the island corsica in 2016.

