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Homo Kemoni Project

In 2019 Miriam Strasser initiated her investigation of a Butoh-Clown-Character she named “Homo Kemoni”. In the “Homo Kemoni Project” she collaborates with different artists for inter-transdisciplinary performance research and creation.

"Homo Kemoni" thrives on what people radiate: their feelings, energies, complexes... their subconsciousness, if not the collective subconsciousness... The audience feeds the play of this being, by their presence, their emotions; which gives physical expression in dance to everything it feels and absorbs and amplifies every impulse in the space.

The Homo Kemoni Project is an inter-transdisciplinary performance research project that aims to investigate topics from a different perception, a different state of consciousness that is rather subconscious, intuitiv and emotional, using the scenic languages of Butoh Dance, Clown and Physiacl Theater. The project is currently researching the subjects “Sexuality” (“Contaminated Marriage”, german “Verseuchte Ehe”) and “States of Consciousness” (“ContaKt: Consciousness in Relation”, german “Bewusstsein in Beziehung”).

“Contaminated Marriage” was shown at the interdisciplinary art festival "Böse Kunst" in Graz, Austria in May 2023 and at the “Butohresque - Vienna Butoh Festival Vol.4” at Lalish Theater in October 2023. The Artistic Scientific performance “Consciousness in Relation” will be presented at Theater Arche, Vienna in autumn (September and November) 2024.


Auckenthalergasse 7
1210, Wien
0663 06404453


  • ConTaKt: Consciousness in Relation